In my opinion this is a kind of film that you can love or you can directly hate. There is not a middle point. This movie is sometimes comedy, sometimes surrealistic and sometimes even drama, but all immerse in a frenetic rhythm full of jokes and hyper-violence. This is the story of a geek (Aaron Johnson) that decides to be a superhero called Kick-Ass that shows some brilliant points during the film. But the best part is the performance made by Nicholas Cage (Big Daddy), because it was the first time that this actor made me laugh… and of course the performance of the little girl Chloë Moretz (Hit Girl) who was absolutely incredible. I think she is the soul of this movie.
Several moments of some of the actors during the movie, trying to be pathetic superheroes, are brilliantly mixed with amazing real action sequences absolutely typical of the classic superhero films and almost worthy of the best Sam Raimi. The expression for me to describe this film is: this movie is ridiculously entertaining, a kind of mix between “Watch men” and “American pie” but very well done to enjoy a fun night of cinema. I recommend it.
My score: 8 (out of 10)