This is a movie about rivalry, competition, art, evolution, obsession, effort, dance and "losing of control"... in this case to achieve the "perfection". All the actors made a fantastic work; specially the small character of Winona Ryder as broken doll, the loving manipulator Barbara Hershey as Nina’s mother, the great Vincent Cassell in a perfect role for him, and of course… the amazing Natalie Portman who, in my opinion, has now ascended to a new level with this movie. I’m sure she is going to won the Oscar this year. Aronofsky has squeezed all the juice to his actors, and he focused almost the full movie in Portman, giving her the chance to show that she has become a fantastic actress. The result is an absolutely beautiful movie, aesthetically and musically speaking, and it is a new good work by this great director, playing with the reality, the fantasy and the madness, to chase a dream.
My score: 8 (out of 10)